Summer Food and Teeth

Summer is finally here, and that can mean only one thing: It’s summer food season. But not all summer treats are created equally. Some are better for us – and our teeth – than others. Here’s a list of some of the best and worst foods you may encounter this summer.


Summertime means outdoor time and outdoor time means outdoor cooking! And what’s better for outdoors cooking than barbecue? This Southern favorite may be delicious, but that sticky barbecue sauce that’s often laden with sugar is pretty dangerous for your teeth. But don’t put down those ribs just yet. Just make sure you brush well after eating, and if you do eat some of the stringier meats like ribs, be sure to floss afterward, too!

Fresh Fruit

School may be over, but fresh fruit gets an A+ for summer snacking. Summer means all the seasonal favorites are back, like watermelon, cantaloupe, strawberries and more. And while in some cases these delicious fruits do have a high acid content, their health benefits outweigh their acidity. Should you decide to snack on fresh, delicious summer fruit, follow these guidelines: Drink water after consuming, and wait at least 30 minutes before brushing your teeth to allow your tooth enamel to re-harden. But do remember to brush!

Ice Cream

Ice cream is delicious and refreshing, but it can also trigger tooth sensitivity. If you find yourself wincing in pain when eating ice cream, give Dr. Lesko’s office a call for a checkup. There are many possible reasons for sensitive teeth, and some of them are relatively easy to correct. Sensitivity aside, remember that ice cream is usually full of sugar and carbohydrates – two things that cavity-causing bacteria love to feast on. So, make sure that when you indulge in that cone of black raspberry this summer to brush your teeth afterward. Should you add any sticky or sweet toppings or choose a flavor with candy mixed in, remember it’s that much more important to floss afterward, too.

Carnival Foods

Summer is carnival season, which means it’s time for those once-a-year epic carnival foods like cotton candy, candy apples and caramel corn. All delicious, and all terrible for your teeth. We’ll let these slide since they are a once-a-year treat, but make sure you brush really well when you get home. If you do want to opt for healthier fair-fare, swap out the sticky sweets for kettle corn, corn on the cob or maybe even one of those giant turkey legs. Ultimately, though, one bag of cotton candy won’t wreck your smile, so go to the carnival, the barbecue, the pool or the beach and have a great summer, no matter what you eat!

Want to give your smile a summer checkup? Give us a call at 970-221-5115.

Contact The Fort Collins Dentist Family & Implant Dentistry:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

2001 S Shields St Bldg L
Fort Collins, Colorado

Growth Rate of By-Mail Orthodontics Raises Red Flags

A recent TechCrunch article announced some big technology news: Smile Direct, one of the newest orthodontics-by-mail companies to hit the marketplace, will be investing in 49 state-of-the-art 3D printers to print up to 50,000 orthodontic molds per day in their warehouse. But while this is great news for the 3D printer manufacturers, and arguably for Smile Direct, it may not be such a good idea for your teeth.

Ever since 2014 when Smile Direct entered the orthodontic marketplace, people have been flocking to the company to save money on orthodontic work. It works like this: You see an individual for a mouth scan. This person may or may not be a dental technician. They take 3D photos of your mouth and send them off to a lab. A few weeks later you have molds in your hand. You wear them for a predetermined amount of time and then make an impression at home, sending that back to the lab. New aligners are mailed to you.

Seems easy enough, right? But not everyone agrees with the business model. Namely, dentists and orthodontists.

“The problem is, you are relying on untrained consumers to take accurate molds of their own mouth, then hoping that mold makes it safely to a lab, and then sending the aligners back and hoping they fit,” says Dr. Allison Lesko, a dentist in Fort Collins, Colorado. “And that’s just what could go wrong immediately.”

Lesko says the other issue with this type of treatment is that over time as the teeth shift, more problems could arise that, without input from a trained dentist or orthodontist, could cause big problems for the patient.

“If the teeth move in the wrong direction or a cross bite develops, for example, it can be hard to correct that if without a dentist or orthodontist there to point it out,” Lesko says.

Worse still, finding a dentist or orthodontist to correct the damage from at-home aligners could cost more money than just going to one for treatment in the first place – not to mention how much time it will take to correct any damage caused by the aligners.

“It may not be a quick fix,” says Lesko. “It could take months to redirect your teeth, and it could cost you hundreds to thousands of additional dollars out of your own pocket.”

That’s because many insurance plans with orthodontic coverage have a lifetime max, so if you use it on the initial treatment, you have no coverage for subsequent follow-ups. And that can be a problem once treatment is finished, too

“What happens once your treatment is done and in two years your teeth are shifting? You’ll need to find a new orthodontist and pay him or her out of pocket, too,” Lesko says. “With by-mail aligners there’s nobody to go back to when you need help.”

Lesko says while she applauds the desire to take control of one’s oral health and save some money, cutting out the middleman isn’t always the answer.

“In this case, the middleman is the dental professional – and he or she is vital to your treatment’s success,” she says.

Contact The Fort Collins Dentist Family & Implant Dentistry:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

2001 S Shields St Bldg L
Fort Collins, Colorado

Toothbrushes Causing Trash Crisis

Brushing your teeth. We all do it, and with few exceptions we all do it with the same tool: the toothbrush. Virtually unchanged for centuries, the toothbrush is a convenient and ergonomically designed way to clean the plaque and bacteria that discolors our teeth and causes cavities. But the toothbrush as it stands today has one major flaw that scientists are trying to correct: the trash problem.

It began back in the 1930s with the development of two new materials: plastic and nylon. Toothbrushes, which were a rarity at the time, were still being made with wood. Soon, that wood was replaced by cellulose, and finally plastic with nylon bristles. The plastic and nylon combination proved to be a safe, effective and durable way to clean the teeth – and with time it was relatively affordable, with the price of a brush coming down as plastic became more commonplace.

But all those durable brushes may be a little too durable. Did you know that a recent study found that the average person will use 300 toothbrushes over a lifetime? Or that Americans use so many toothbrushes each year that if laid out, they would wrap around planet Earth four times? That’s a lot of toothbrushes being used – and a lot of toothbrushes being thrown away. In fact, because the materials used to create toothbrushes are unrecyclable and non-biodegradable, according to National Geographic most of the toothbrushes created since the 1930s are probably still around somewhere, whether sitting in a landfill or floating in the ocean, washing ashore onto beaches around the world.

So, what can be done to stop these toothbrushes from clogging landfills and waterways? That’s what scientists are trying to answer.

Dr. Allison Lesko is a dentist based in Fort Collins, Colorado. She said there are already some alternatives to plastic and nylon toothbrushes, but they still have a long way to go toward solving the problem.

“There are bamboo brushes now and even some metal brushes, but they still use nylon bristles,” says Lesko. “They don’t quite go far enough.”

So, what about electric brushes – are they any better?

“Theoretically an electric brush will last longer and stay out of landfills longer, but they still eventually make it to landfills, and they can’t be recycled, either.”

Another problem? They still use plastic and nylon heads that need to be replaced just as often as regular toothbrushes. Though it’s less plastic, scientists are still not satisfied with how much plastic these brush heads leave behind.

So, what can you do to reduce your own toothbrush’s carbon footprint? Dentists like Lesko say swapping to a greener toothbrush such as a bamboo, metal or reusable-handled brush may not go as far as environmentalists want them to yet, but they are still a more viable, greener option than traditional plastic brushes.

Contact The Fort Collins Dentist Family & Implant Dentistry:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

2001 S Shields St Bldg L
Fort Collins, Colorado

Protect Teeth While Swimming This Summer

Young boy swimming in a swimming poolIt’s fun, it’s refreshing and it’s one of America’s favorite summer pastimes: swimming in the pool. Swimming provides the body with heart-pumping yet low-impact exercise that’s gentle on the joints. It also can improve muscle tone and body strength and constitutes a full-body workout. But for all the good swimming does for our bodies, it could be doing harm to one particular area of the body: the mouth. Here’s why swimming can be dangerous to your oral health, and what you can do to protect yourself while making a splash this summer.

Swimmer’s Calculus

No, its not a special math class for pool lovers. Swimmer’s calculus is a type of buildup that occurs on the teeth from the raised pH of chlorine and chemicals found in pool water. Swimmer’s calculus builds up over the summer, especially if you spend more than an hour in the pool at a time. Swimmer’s calculus appears as deposits of yellow on the teeth. Though it may be unsightly, thankfully swimmer’s calculus is temporary and can be removed by going to the dentist for your regular cleaning

Chlorine and Your Teeth

Chlorine can be a useful chemical when it comes to keeping the water in your pool clean and free of germs and bacteria, but it can also take a toll on your skin, causing it to dry out. It can even discolor and dry out your hair, irritate your eyes, and burn your lungs. But it can also cause problems in the mouth – namely sensitive teeth.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, pools with a pH of lower than 7.0 pose the highest risk to your teeth, including enamel erosion. Enamel erosion occurs when the enamel of the teeth wears away, exposing the lower layers of the tooth known as the dentin. Aside from being unsightly, this can cause tooth sensitivity. Worse yet, enamel does not grow back, so fixing enamel erosion may require sealants, veneers or even a procedure called gum grafting, which can help raise the gumline and reduce sensitivity along the gums.

An Ounce of Prevention

So how can you prevent swimmer’s calculus and enamel erosion due to chlorine? Try to not ingest or get pool water in your mouth. Keep your mouth closed while swimming, diving or standing in the water. When you are done in the water, rinse your mouth out with fresh tap water or bottled water, and apply the same rules as you would to brushing after eating an acidic food. Wait at least 30 minutes after exiting the pool to brush your teeth so the enamel has a chance to reharden.

For questions or concerns or to schedule an appointment, please contact Dr. Lesko’s office at 970-221-5115.

Contact The Fort Collins Dentist Family & Implant Dentistry:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

2001 S Shields St Bldg L
Fort Collins, Colorado

Caring for Braces

If you or your child just got braces, congratulations! You’ve taken the first step toward a straight, beautiful smile. If you are new to wearing braces, you may not realize that caring for braces is different from caring for “naked” teeth – it requires special tools and extra steps. But don’t get overwhelmed with braces care. Here are the tools you need in your orthodontic care toolbox.

Toothbrush and Toothpaste

You will never not need a toothbrush, no matter if you have braces or not. The challenge with braces is cleaning around the brackets as well as cleaning the brackets themselves. Failure to properly clean the teeth while undergoing orthodontic treatment not only increases your risk of tooth decay, but can also cause white spots on the teeth called orthodontic white spot lesions, or WSLs. After spending all that time getting your teeth aligned, the last thing you want is for them to be discolored.

Floss and Threaders

Floss is essential to a healthy mouth. In fact, if you’re not flossing you’re missing about 30 percent of the surface of your teeth. But flossing can be difficult even under the best of circumstances, let alone with braces. That’s why we recommend using a disposable device called a floss threader, which will allow the floss to be threaded underneath the wire in your braces to reach the gumline.

Water Flosser

You may wonder why you need a water flosser if you’re already using dental floss or threaders. But water flossers are a great complement to traditional floss and can help remove some plaque and debris from between the teeth. For braces wearers, a water flosser is best used to clean away the plaque and debris from your braces brackets.

Dental Wax

Because the teeth shift with braces, they can often cause pain weeks after adjustment in the form of poking wires. These wires can rub against your cheek, causing injury. That’s where dental wax comes in. Dental wax is soft, pliable wax that can be put directly onto a poking wire to insulate that wire from the rest of the cheek. Of course, this is just a temporary fix, so if you find yourself needing to use wax to avoid pain, call Dr. Lesko’s office and schedule an appointment to have the wire adjusted.

For more information or questions or concerns about your braces, call Dr. Lesko’s office at 970-221-5115.

Contact The Fort Collins Dentist Family & Implant Dentistry:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

2001 S Shields St Bldg L
Fort Collins, Colorado

Dental Terms, Defined

Though we do our best to put you at ease, sometimes dental appointments can be a little bit scary – even for adults. The fear of the unknown, the sounds of dental tools, and those big, scary-sounding words we sometimes use can all make people a little bit tense. But there’s no need to fear complex dental vocabulary. Here are a few scary-sounding words you may have heard around the office that really aren’t that scary after all.

Bruxism: Bruxism means to grind or clench your teeth. Bruxism can often occur without you even realizing you’re doing it, making it harder to stop doing. Dr. Lesko can usually tell if you have bruxism by the condition of your teeth. People with bruxism often have cracked, chipped or worn teeth and may experience frequent jaw soreness due to the pressure of their jaw clenching together.

Occlusions: An occlusion is a word used in many ways, but when it comes to dentistry, an occlusion is simply the part where two teeth – one from the upper jaw, the other from the lower – meet.

Malocclusion: A malocclusion is a dental term that means the incorrect positioning of the upper and lower teeth. Another term for malocclusion is a bad bite.

Caries: Dental caries is another way to say “cavities” or tooth decay. It occurs when acids break down the teeth, causing the tooth to decay away. Caries must be repaired by fillings before they worsen, or they can cost you your entire tooth!

Amalgam: Amalgam is a metal composite used to fill cavities in teeth.

Abscess: A dental abscess is an infection that occurs at the ends of the roots of the tooth. It appears in the form of a pocket that is full of pus. Most likely if you have an abscess, you will need a root canal to repair it.

Calculus: No, it’s not the math you struggled with in high school. Dental calculus is the term we use to describe the hard buildup that occurs on the roots of teeth, dental implants and crowns.

Xerostomia: Believe it or not, this is a very complex-sounding word for the condition dry mouth! Dry mouth can occur for many reasons, including dehydration, sleeping with your mouth open and some medications. Xerostomia is not a condition but a side effect of other conditions. Still, it is dangerous as the lack of saliva can increase the instance of cavities.

Want to learn more about dental terms? Make an appointment with Dr. Lesko today! Call 970-221-5115.

Contact The Fort Collins Dentist Family & Implant Dentistry:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

2001 S Shields St Bldg L
Fort Collins, Colorado

Can Kombucha Kill Healthy Smiles?

If you are one of the many people who have jumped on the kombucha trend in recent years, you may want to think twice about how you drink the trendy fermented tea drink. That’s because, according to recent studies, kombucha – for all its purported health benefits – may be bad for your teeth.

Before we get into the why, let’s take a step back and look at what – what is kombucha, exactly?

Kombucha is a fermented black tea drink that is made by fermenting sugared tea with yeast and bacteria. This creates something called acetic acid and osmophilic yeast, which are probiotics. If you haven’t already heard of probiotics, they’re tiny microorganisms that boast some pretty big health benefits. So when you drink something like kombucha that is chock-full of probiotics, you’d think you’d be gaining some of those benefits, right?

Well, not so fast. For all the supposed medical claims made about kombucha (it has been said that it treats everything from AIDS to diabetes and cancer), there is no proof it helps with any of these conditions. Not only that, but thanks to its acid level, it’s dangerous for your teeth – and some say worse than soda!

But before you pour your cup down the drain, there are some things you should consider.

First, if you like kombucha and feel like the probiotics are helping you, continuing to drink it probably won’t hurt you – provided you protect your teeth. If you are going to continue with kombucha, keep in mind that the acid in the beverage is harmful, and act accordingly. When you do drink it, make sure you drink water either while you are drinking your kombucha or immediately after drinking it. Also, experts recommend you drink your kombucha quickly, as this will minimize the amount of time it is in your mouth and subsequently on your teeth.

As with any acidic food or beverage, make sure you do not brush your teeth immediately after drinking kombucha. The acids in the drink can soften the tooth enamel and leave it vulnerable to permanent scratching from your toothbrush. Rinse with water, and then wait at least 30 minutes before brushing so your tooth enamel has time to re-harden.

If you have any questions or concerns about drinking kombucha or other probiotic beverages, speak to your doctor or call Dr. Lesko at 970-221-5115.

Contact The Fort Collins Dentist Family & Implant Dentistry:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

2001 S Shields St Bldg L
Fort Collins, Colorado

These Beauty Trends Can Destroy Smiles

Toothpaste being squeezed onto a toothbrushIf you’re searching for a whiter, brighter smile, there are many trendy products out there that claim to be able to help you reach your goals. But what you don’t know can hurt you. That’s because many of these so-called oral “health” products aren’t so healthy after all. In fact, they can be doing more harm than good to your teeth and gums. Before you reach for those white strips or that designer toothpaste, check out these surprisingly dangerous oral care products.

Trendy Flavored Toothpastes

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to change up the flavor of your favorite paste from time to time. Basic mint can get boring after awhile. But beware some of the newer, trendier toothpaste brands that have sprung up in stores and online. They may taste great, but many don’t contain the recommended daily amount of fluoride, and thus aren’t doing as much for your teeth as they could be. Always check the packaging for the American Dental Association seal of approval, and if you’re not sure if a product contains fluoride, read the ingredients on the packaging.

White Strips

White strips have been an affordable, reliable way to whiten teeth for years, but a new study has found that they could be very dangerous to your teeth. That’s because researchers found that when hydrogen peroxide (the active whitening ingredient in white strips) was left on the teeth, it was able to penetrate the enamel and destroy the dentin of the teeth by causing it to crumble apart. While it is not yet known if this dentin can be revived or if this is problem is isolated to the pulled, dead teeth used in the study, for now we’d advise you to avoid these products until more conclusive evidence is reported.


No, not teeth pulling – oil pulling. Though this ancient ayurvedic practice seems pretty safe, there are safer ways to rinse the teeth. First of all, it’s important to note that oil pulling with essential oils only removes surface stains. If that’s all you’re trying to do, you can achieve the same results using mouthwash, saltwater and, yes, even plain old tap water – all of which are proven safe for your teeth. Meanwhile, pulling with some varieties of oil has been found to cause pneumonia if the oil makes its way into your lungs!

Bottom line, you don’t need trendy oral health care products to maintain a healthy, beautiful smile. Just brush with fluoride toothpaste at least twice a day for two minutes at a time and floss once a day. This will keep your smile looking as white and bright as possible – without the risk.

Ready to make an appointment with Dr. Lesko? Call 970-221-5115 today.

Contact The Fort Collins Dentist Family & Implant Dentistry:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

2001 S Shields St Bldg L
Fort Collins, Colorado

Dental Tips You May Not Have Heard

As with most professions, dentists must complete continuing education and training each year to stay current. But even if they weren’t required to, many dentists would still do it, because the more you learn, the more you grow. The same should apply to patients! Learning more about caring for your oral health means you can take better care of your teeth and live a healthier life in the process. Here are some tips for caring for your teeth that you may not have known but that can make a positive change in your oral health and hygiene.

Don’t Rinse Your Toothpaste

A lot of us brush our teeth and then what do we do? We grab a cup of water and swish or gargle and spit, washing away all the fluoride our toothpaste could be leaving behind. Of course, we don’t want you to swallow your toothpaste, but next time you brush, skip the swish and just spit out your paste. This will leave all the beneficial parts of the toothpaste behind on your teeth so they keep working even after you’ve stopped brushing.

And while we’re on the topic, make sure your toothpaste does contain 1,350 to 1,500 parts per million (PPM) of fluoride.

Watch Your Sugar Intake

Sugar has a bad reputation these days, and for good reason. It has been linked to everything from obesity to diabetes to, of course, cavities. The sugar itself doesn’t cause the cavities, though – it’s the acid byproduct of the bacteria that eat the sugar off your teeth. This bacteria wears through your enamel and causes cavities. But sugar tastes so good, doesn’t it? We’re not asking you to cut sugar entirely from your diet (although that would be ideal), but experts recommend no more than 8 teaspoons of sugar per day. And while that may seem like a lot, when you look at how much sugar is in the foods we regularly consume without even realizing it, many people may consume that just at breakfast.

Floss at Night

There doesn’t seem to be an official guideline about what is the best time to floss, but it makes a lot of sense to floss before bed. This removes all the food and plaque accumulated between the teeth during the day and keeps the teeth free of debris overnight. Of course, it won’t hurt to floss again in the morning (in fact it would help tremendously!), but if you are going to floss only once a day, make it count.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Lesko, please call 970-221-5115.

Contact The Fort Collins Dentist Family & Implant Dentistry:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

2001 S Shields St Bldg L
Fort Collins, Colorado

Selfies and Oral Health

You hear about them all the time in the news – people getting in trouble for taking them, people getting hurt while taking them, even people taking lessons on how to take them. They’re those photos we snap of ourselves with our smartphones known as “selfies.” But while some people are quick to decry the selfie culture that we as a country have adopted, selfies, for all their controversy, can still do some good in the world.

A recent study conducted with researchers in India and at the Case Western Reserve University School of Dental Medicine found that tooth-brushing behaviors changed when participants took selfies while brushing their teeth.

“First the participants were re-trained on how to brush their teeth properly by the researchers in the study,” says Fort Collins, Colorado, dentist Dr. Allison Lesko, “and then they were sent home with instructions to record themselves via video or selfie brushing their teeth.”

The participating university students submitted two weeks’ worth of brushing selfies to the researchers in the project for analysis, and what the researchers found was nothing short of fascinating.

“They found slight modifications in the photos and techniques captured in the selfies,” says Lesko.

So what do researchers think motivated these changes?

“The researchers believe the participants modified their techniques because they knew someone was watching, but also because they were actually trying to improve their brushing technique to the new way they were taught to brush in the study,” she says.

According to Lesko, that’s good news.

“It showed the researchers that these participants wanted to make positive changes, and that the snapping of the selfies was kind of a motivator to stick with that – because they knew in a sense that someone was watching them while they brushed,” Lesko says.

Lesko says that while the study was small, there are still some very important takeaways. For example, the idea that photographing yourself could help positively reinforce a new behavior such as a better way to brush your teeth. Another benefit?

“You can bring those selfies to the dentist with you and have your own dentist evaluate your brushing technique,” she says. “If you’re doing something wrong or inefficient, we can give you pointers or lessons and you can conduct your own home study like the one that Case Western conducted and see if taking selfies while you brush changes anything about your own brushing technique.”

Contact The Fort Collins Dentist Family & Implant Dentistry:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

2001 S Shields St Bldg L
Fort Collins, Colorado