3 Tips for Stress Relief for TMJ Sufferers

Life is stressful! For some, handling the stress and anxiety of everyday life can be a serious challenge. One area that many people don’t realize is affected by stress is the jaw joint. The temporomandibular joint, or TMJ, which connects the jaw to the skull, is a very complex joint. It can be felt by placing your hands on each side of your face just under your ears and opening and closing your jaw.


Sedation Dentistry Helps Calm Patients’ Anxiety

One of the most commonly dramatized fears portrayed in sitcoms and movies is the fear of the dentist. While most people don’t suffer from the paralyzing fear played up by actors on television and the big screen, many of us do suffer from anxiety ranging from mild to severe when it comes to having our teeth cleaned, examined and potentially worked on. Sedation dentistry offers new hope for those whose anxiety is actually getting in the way of receiving the oral health care they need.
